With the imminent eruption of Mt. Mayon, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. took the opportunity to personally meet with local authorities, disaster response teams, various national government agencies, and community leaders in a situation briefing on June 14, at the Albay Astrodome, Legazpi City, to discuss ongoing relief efforts for residents directly affected by the calamity.

President Marcos Jr. stressed the importance of a coordinated response involving various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and volunteers, to ensure efficient and effective aid delivery.

Based on the data presented, it will take at least 45 days – and may stretch up to 90 more days before the evacuees can return to their respective homes. With this, he addressed the national government agencies present to further strengthen and provide the necessary help in assisting and taking some of the load off the municipalities and cities affected, as the Quick Response Fund available per municipality or city is only limited and will not suffice in responding to the needs of the residents.

Meanwhile, DILG 5 Regional Director Atty. Arnaldo E. Escober Jr., CESO V, presented the affected LGUs’ preparedness measures and the Department’s actions during the situation briefing. The presentation is aligned with the “Disaster Preparedness Manual: Protocols for Volcanic Eruption” that was crafted in 2021 through a workshop facilitated by DILG R5, partner agencies, and the Provincial DRRMOs of the Province of Albay and Sorsogon.

(Photo credits to DILG Public Affairs and Communication Service (PACS), Sir Mox Mendones, and Photo screen grabbed from Radio Television Malacañang- RTVM Facebook Page)