DILG R5, through the Local Government Capacity Development Division (LGCDD), conducted a two-day training on the Preparation of a Workforce Development Plan and Formulation of Local Investment and Incentive Code (LIIC) on July 20-21, 2023 at The Pepperland Hotel, Washington Drive, Legazpi City.

The training aims to capacitate the participants on implementing and operationalizing the Guidelines on Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities (SIBOL) and the steps in formulating the LGU Local Investment and Incentive Code (LIIC).

DILG 5 Regional Director (RD) Atty. Arnaldo E. Escober., Jr. CESO V, emphasized the importance of the LGUs in providing employment and livelihood opportunities to Filipinos who have been severely affected by the pandemic to reduce the prevalence of poverty in the country.

The participants, composed of Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Officer (LEDIPO), Public Employment Service Officer (PESO), Sangguniang Member, Agriculture Officer, Community Training and Employment Coordinator (CTEC), Tourism Officer and DILG Officers of the six Provincial Governments in the region, engaged in a series of discussions and workshop that addressed the implementation and operationalization of the Guidelines on Strengthening Initiatives for Balanced Growth and Opportunities (SIBOL) and the steps in the formulation of the LGU Local Investment and Incentive Code (LIIC).

Resource speakers LGOO IV Jaime S. Vergara, Jr., PO I Yiazzumi S. Sia and PO I Mary Ann Sagun from the Bureau of Local Government Development (BLGD) – DILG Central Office provided technical assistance in the two-day training. Representatives from DOF-BLGF V, DILG R5, DOLE, TESDA, and DTI were also invited to the two-day training and workshop.

The submission of the LIIC Action Plan and Workforce Development Plan by the six (6) regional provincial governments marked the end of the training.