DILG R5’s Local Government Capacity Division Development Division (LGCDD), in partnership with the Bureau of Local Government Finance, has conducted a 2-day Roll-out Training on the Rationalization of Fees and Charges to a total of 14 local government units in the Region. The following municipalities were present at The Oriental Proxy Hotel in Legazpi City on July 11-12, 2023: Oas, Nabua, Gubat, Virac, Daet, and Pilar while the municipalities of Libon, Paracale, Pili, San Andres, Aroroy, Placer, Donsol, and Castilla attended simultaneously via Zoom platform.
In compliance with the reforms introduced in the Ease of Doing Business Law, the training aims to enhance the technical skills of the local functionaries in the imposition of taxes, fees, and charges and procedures for the rationalization of the Local Fees and Charges (LFC) Toolkit The primary purpose of the training is to ensure that local government units are oriented on the uniform procedure in setting reasonable amounts to set a balance between recovering the cost of service and the ease of doing business.
Joint Memorandum Circular 01 s. 2019 on the Guidelines for the Review, Adjustment, Setting and/or Adoption of Reasonable Regulatory Fees and Charges of Local Government Units was issued on May 17, 2019, in compliance with RA 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018.