With pride and honor, the DILG LGRRC and the province of Albay, the cities of Legazpi, Tabaco, Iriga and Ligao and the municipality of Tiwi have showcased their best practices in local governance before the DILG key officials, Local Governance Regional Resource Centers (LGRRC) team and the Multi Stakeholders Advisory Committee (MSAC) members of DILG Regions XI, VII and National Capital Region. This team development and study visit was intended for the LGRRC and MSAC members under the program Strengthening LGRRCs in the Philippines managed by the Loal Government Academy (LGA) and financed by the European Union (EU).  LGA has recommended DILG Bicol LGRRC as the place for the said activity being evaluated as one of the top performing LGRRCs.

The best practices presented have already gained recognition and awards such as the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management program of the province of Albay which boasts for its zero casualty in times of disasters; the Environmental Solid Waste Management program of the city of Legazpi which is the only local government in Southern Luzon with a sanitary landfill; the environmental preservation program of Iriga City; the agricultural program of Ligao City; the laudable MDG programs of Tabaco City and the various innovations adopted by Tiwi, Albay. Four of these LGUs were partners of the Department in the Strengthening Local Government in the Philippines (SLGP) project wherein they were given capacity, equipment and infrastructure assistance by the DILG, LGA and the Spanish government through the AECID.

Aside from exposing the visitors to various innovative programs of the LGUs, they were also able to see and appreciate the local crafts and industry and the natural scenic wonders like the majestic Mayon Volcano and the beauty of the Mayon Planetarium, Lignon Hill, Cagsawa Ruins, Legazpi Boulevard and Kawa-Kawa Hill.

The said learning visits were conducted on August 6-8 (DILG Region XI), 15-17 (DILG Reion VII) and 27-28, 2012 (DILG NCR). – (LGOO V Nerissa S. Casin)