In response to the call for continuing improvements and efforts in the implementation of the National Quality Management System in the region, the department’s program for ISO 9001:2015 certification, the Online Re-orientation on Quality Procedures Applicable to Provincial and Field Offices officially commenced last April 19, 2024.

This activity is featured through the Pagtalubo Series, a knowledge-sharing session conducted every Friday from April 19-May 17, 2024. This series is aimed to provide all process owners and other involved personnel in the concerned level the updates and a clearer understanding on the quality procedures, its enrolled forms, process performance monitoring and reporting mechanisms and other relevant QP documentations.

Regional Process Owners served as resource speakers discussing the issues and concerns per Quality Procedure that are relevant and practical to each respective level and vital to the quality delivery of all frontline and support services to the clientele.

The end goal of this activity is to enhance the cascading of the National Quality Management System (NQMS) Documentations in the Region specifically to improve the delivery output for the upcoming Internal QMS Assessment on the 4th Quarter of this year 2024.

The activity was led by Assistant Regional Director and Regional Quality Management Representative Jhoaden G. Lucero, CESO V. The participants are the PO & FO QMS Focal Persons/ Process Owners, Regional QMS Secretariat Members and C/MLGOOs.