DILG Region V assembles for the third quarter Regional Executive Conference (REXCON) on July 6, 2023, at the DILG Regional Office V training hall. This is the culminating activity of the three-day 2023 RCSP Mid-year Implementation Consultation cum Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Regional Calibration and Regional Executive Conference.

Present at the gathering is the Regional Management Team, headed by Regional Director Atty. Arnaldo E. Escober Jr. CESO V, together with LGMED Chief Darlyn D. Ayende, LGCDD Chief Ma. Ruthel P. Gigantoca, and Chief Administrative Officer Rico E. Gaurino. The Provincial Directors, Cluster Heads of all six provinces, and the Regional Office’s Section Chiefs are also in attendance.

The purpose of the activity is to deliver a concise overview of the region’s achievements in implementing the 2023 Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP), as well as summarize the outcomes of the recent two-day Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Calibration workshop. Moreover, each Division took the opportunity to present comprehensive updates on the notable achievements of the region through its Provincial and Field Operations Offices during the Second Quarter and outline their strategies and plans for the upcoming semester to ensure the successful delivery of their targets. In addition to the aforementioned agenda, today’s event also signifies the official launch of two significant initiatives of the DILG R5: the BICOL BIDA PRAISE Awards 2023 and the BICOL 1 Link System.

During his welcome message, RD Escober emphasized the significance of today’s gathering as an opportunity to align with the Department’s plans for the second semester. The objective is to ensure that each Division can effectively accomplish its goals for Calendar Year 2023.