Signing of Peace Covenant in the Municipality of Virac

All candidates from the municipality of Virac running for the 2018 Synchronized Barangay and SK Elections gathered last saturday morning, May 6, 2018 at the Virac Plaza Rizal for the Signing of Peace Covenant and Integrity Pledge. The COMELEC Provincial Election Supervisor Atty. Maria Aurea C. Bo-Bunao together with COMELEC Virac Acting Election Officer Amelia L. Arizabal; the Hon. Mayor Samuel V. Laynes; DILG Virac MLGOO Salvador C. Vargas, Jr; Virac MPS PCInsp. Josefino C. Titong, Jr. and PSI Danilo D. Tenerife; Philippine Army 2Lt. Aljane Acuram; Public Schools District Supervisor of Virac Edgar A. Rima; and PPCRV Municipal Chairman Rev. Fr. Joseph Clarian G. Clarianes joined the activity and delivered a message which all hoped for an honest, fair and peaceful election this coming May 14, 2018.

COMELEC Virac Acting Election Officer Amelia Arizabal presented to everyone the statistical data of the number of  candidates filed in their office from April 14-21, 2018 that garnered a grand total number of 1,577 for the elective positions on the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan in the municipality of Virac. She as well discussed the election guidelines to all aspiring candidates. The signing of peace covenant and integrity pledge for all election candidates was the highlight of that day activity.

Signing of Peace Covenant Municipality of Virac

With Virac Acting Election Officer

Candidates for Barangay and SK election in the municipality of Virac

Integrity Pledge of candidates running for 2018 Barangay and SK Elections

Guests during the Signing of Peace Covenant