The DILG Catanduanes Provincial Office conducted the CSO Strengthening/CapDev Training last February 26-29 and March 1-3, 2016 at Amenia Beach, Palawig, San Andres, Catanduanes.

The said activity was attended by a total of 144 CSO members from the five municipality of the province, namely: Bato, Caramoran, Gigmoto, San Andres and Virac. CSO members from the municipality of Bato has a total number of twenty eight (28) participants, twenty five (25) participants coming from the municipality of Caramoran, total of twenty two (22) from the municipality of Gigmoto, thirty three (23) from San Andres, and lastly from the municipality of Virac with a total participants of thirty six (36) attended the 7-day training.

This training aims to support the BuB goals by enhancing the capacities of the CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) on local development planning and processes, fiscal policies and management and governance to help them become effective partners of development process at the local level.

The capacitation of CSOs will open up their organization to more opportunities. Thus, will give them chances to prove more and show their contribution as partner of LGUs in local governance.

The capacity building for CSOs will strengthen the convergence alliance between the government and the CSO in the delivery of national services to the community and to make the planning and budgeting processes of both local and national governments more participatory and productive.

The 7-Day training has been divided into three (3) components. The first Component which is the Basic Leadership Skills Training: Developing, Organizing and Mobilizing Skills was held on February 26 and 27. The objective is to hone or nurture leadership ability among CSOs leaders in the community through development of their organizing and mobilizing skills which are of paramount importance in enjoining widest participation/involvement of all existing CSOs in the LGUs. The course content were: (1) Leadership Theories, (2) Theories on Organization/Community Mobilization, and (3) Models of Leadership. The resource persons for component 1 were Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento, Jr.; Mr. Edwin S. Benavidez; and Mr. Antonio S. Manoguid.

On February 28 and 29 was the activity for Component 2, Moral Values Formation: A Moral Transformation Training. This is to instill among CSOs leaders in the community the ideal and proper behavioral ethics, moral conduct and self-discipline that would make them more God-fearing, accountable, responsible, trustworthy, and always promotes selfless interest. The course content were: (1) Human, Moral and Value Transformation, and (2) Behavioral and Attitudinal Formation. Component 2 has 5 resource persons who lectures simultaneously, they were: Rev. Fr. Renato R. Dela Rosa for the municipality of Virac, Rev. Fr. Eric John T. Rojas for Bato, Rev. Fr. Stephen V. Polo for San Andres, Rev. Fr. Nestor R. Buena for Gigmoto, and lastly Rev. Fr. Randulfo A. De Quiros for the municipality of Caramoran.

Component 3, CSOs Orientation Training: The Basic of Local Development Planning and Budgeting Process, Procurement Process and Organizational Management System was held on the last remaining 3 days of the training, March 1 to 3. This aims to teach the CSOs leaders the proper local development planning and budgeting process as well as the accounting and auditing concepts and procedures that will enable them to handle their organizational finances properly and thus, make them a more responsible CSO partner in local development. Likewise, it will let them know the standard principles of an ideal organizational management system essential in running their own organizational affair. The course content were composed of the following: (1) Basic Theory on Planning and Budgeting Process, (2) RA 9184 Procurement Process, and (3) Management System. The resource persons for this component were Ms. Maria Ada I. Condeno, Engr. Rafael M. Valledor, and Prof. Jerry T. Ang, CSEE.

-Jessa Encarnacion