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The DILG Catanduanes conducted Training Workshop on Human Rights-Based Approach Community Organizing and Skills Enhancement on Operation and Management for Barangay Water and Sanitation Association last  January 27-30, 2016 at Amenia Beach Resort, Palawig, San Andres, Catanduanes for three (3) LGUs namely Bato, Pandan,  and San Andres.

The 4-day live-in activity enhanced  the knowledge and skills of Barangay Water and Sanitation Association Members and Users in the human rights-based approach in community organizing and policy formulation and in the Operation and Management of the Water Supply System (WSS) to ensure sustainable provision of safe and potable water to the communities.

Expected participants per LGU are the MPDC, MLGOO, 20 water users/ BAWASA Members and 1 CSO Representative for WATSAN Council. The participants who attended HRBA-CO Training namely MPDC, MLGOO and CSO representative will serve as Facilitators during the upcoming training