Cognizant of the vital role of the youth in nation-building, RA 10742, otherwise known as the “SK Reform Act of 2015” was signed in to law. This promotes and protects moral, spiritual and social well-being of the youth and instill among the youth a sense of patriotism, nationalism and other desirable values. The law also continue reading : SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN PANLALAWIGANG PEDERASYON ORIENTATION AND ELECTION

Disaster Preparedness and Partnership Dialogue

As part of the DILG’s mandate under RA 10121 in ensuring LGU’s compliance with the requirements of institutionalization of DRRM Offices, it is essential for the DILG to provide further guidance and complementary engagement with various stakeholders, DRRM practitioners, MDRRMCs, public/private organization through Provincial Preparedness Dialogue. The activity aimed to evaluate the implementation of the continue reading : Disaster Preparedness and Partnership Dialogue

Web Dev Training

    Department of the Interior and Local Government  ROV Holds Website Development Training for Provinces The Department of the Interior and Local Government, Regional Office No. V (DILG RO V) organized an orientation on website development and training on January 25-29, 2016 at the Jennifer’s Garden  and Hotel, Legazpi City The  training is in continue reading : Web Dev Training