As the prime mover of President Duterte’s priority agenda to underscore the need for the development of every LGUs to ensure the delivery of basic services through the department’s Locally Funded Projects like the LGSF, PCF, SALINTUBIG, CMGP-KALSADA, and now the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP), and Financial Assistance to LGUs (FALGU),   Promotion of good governance and the institutionalization of transparency through LGPMS, FDPP, and SGLG.

And with the increased number of programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) it is an essential step for the office to regularly strategize and come up with an approach in the timely accomplishment of targets that will result in accurate output and formula thus will help enhance and improve the delivery of services to the LGUs. And, with the given plans and timelines it is but critical for the office to always evaluate, assess and realign what has been accomplished.

The DILG Provincial Office of Camarines Norte shall continually monitor, review and assess the implementation of all the programs/projects/activities (PPAs) as a means of delivering the desired results and accomplishment, mentoring LGUs by working in a catch-up scheme with those behind targets and recording and popularizing innovative and success stories for other LGUs to duplicate and follow will be a priority strategy.


  • The participants of the activity convened and had meaningful discussions, raised difficulties encountered and shared appropriately applied solutions to those difficulties from the twelve municipalities in the province and the Provincial Government. The goal was to improve the targets for the Year 2021 DILG PPAs implementation thru discussion of weaknesses and strengths of LGUs in the implementation of locally-funded projects; coming-up with strategies and schemes that will facilitate speedy and efficient implementation on-going Locally Funded Projects; assessing the conduct of project monitoring and validation of FY 2021 SBDP Projects in terms of quality and functionality; evaluating as to the feasibility for funding of the proposed priority projects for the FY 2022 SBDP; sharing of success stories and innovative actions that LGUs employed to serve as inspiration and guide in the future implementation of other DILG Locally Funded Projects and other PPAs; and providing the necessary operational support to all municipal field offices in the provision of public service to its clientele.      
  • To facilitate effective learning discussion and feedback, the process included:
  • Open Forum approach
  • Lecture Discussion and Workshop
  • Focus Group Discussion
  • TOP to facilitate effective learning discussion and Feedback
  • The Focal Person for Locally-Funded Projects presented the PPAs status of implementation under the CMGP-KALSADA, BuB, PCF, SALINTUBIG, and ADM/AM.
    • Physical Status of Locally-Funded Projects
      • Targets for the CMGP Program were met
      • Targets for the Performance Challenge Fund were met
      • Targets for the Salintubig Programs were met
      • Targets for the Assistance to Municipalities Program were met
      • Targets for the SBDP were met
      • Common problems encountered are delays on Project Implementation
  • Financial Status of Locally-Funded Projects:
    • Target Liquidations for AOM entries were met.
    • Target Liquidations for Non-AOM entries were met.
  • CapDev participated by PLGU under the CMGP-KALSADA:
    • LRMP Assessment
    • coaching and mentoring on RBIS
    • Unified Mapping System
  • CapDev participated by MLGU:
    • Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
    • Municipal water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan (MWSSMP)  Phase II-Sector Planning
    • Strengthening of Water Service Providers
    • Contract Management Construction Supervision
    • orientation on enhanced Quality Assurance and Assessment Report (QAAR) Tools 
  • The Focal Person for Locally Funded Projects conducted an Orientation for the FALGU and SBDP reiterating the provisions on the Project Menu as well as the required items for compliance on the Implementing Guidelines.
  • Through an Open Forum presided by the Cluster Head, the MLGOOs were able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their respective LGUs in the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of PPAs. They have raised the difficulties encountered by their LGUs and also shared success stories and innovative actions they have applied to solve such difficulties.
  • Through a workshop presided by the Locally-Funded Projects Focal Person, with the assistance from the DILG Technical Personnel, the MLGOOs were able to prepare their respective Catch-up Plan for slow-moving projects in their areas of responsibilities as well as their Enhanced PPAs.
  • Presided by the Cluster Head, with the Provincial Director, through a Focal Group Discussion (FGD) and TOP, the participants were able to present and discuss their Enhanced PPAs. The strategies for popularizing and documenting exceptional innovations in the implementation of the PPAs were identified.
  • The duly assigned Legal Officer of the DILG Camarines Norte Provincial Office conducted a Re-Orientation emphasizing the salient points of the Devolution and Transition Plan in connection to the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling.
  • Presided by the Program Manager, the participants identified and prioritized the items for Operational Support (office supplies, fixtures, materials, equipment, etc.) necessary for the successful performance and implementation of the DILG mandates.

The DILG Provincial Operations Office of Camarines Norte and all of its Municipal Field Offices, using the outputs of this activity – the LFP Catch-up Plans and Enhanced DILG PPAs for Year 2022, will render an improved delivery of services to the Local Government Units through optimal Technical Assistance on implementing the said outputs. And thus, we will continually monitor, review, assess, and realign the implementation of all the DILG programs/projects/activites (PPAs).